Embed the most advanced
technology on the market
into your vehicle platform
Already proven since 2015 with Autonom® Shuttle – 235 shuttles deployed worldwide – and Autonom® Tract, Navya’s self-driving technology is now available for third-party platforms integration.
It offers outstanding value-added through 5 key benefits :
- Increased reliability and optimized flows
- Optimized operational costs
- Guaranteed safety
- Extended range of applications
- Full integration with existing systems and environment

For which applications?
Our self-driving solution is designed to perform in the following conditions:

Potential applications
Our R&D teams identify new fields of applications where self-driving mobility will increase reliability and optimize flows of transportation:
- Airports and Ports
- Industrial sites and Logistics hubs
- Touristic sites such as Hotels, Resorts or Parks
- City Centers, Suburban Areas, Rural Areas
How does it work?
Combine Navya’s unique know-how in self-driving intelligence and sensors architecture with your experience in industrial flows management and vehicle platform design.
Our solution includes:
- Tailored sensor set
- Self-driving software and hardware
Use-case: Airport tow
tractor turned to self-driving
Navya and Charlatte manutention associated in 2018 to develop autonomous tractor solutions for industrial sites and airports. The Autonum® Tract was brought into service with Air France at Toulouse-Blagnac airport for transporting baggage between the baggage sorting area and aircraft.